About Charlotte

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Charlotte is a homeopath and functional medicine practitioner, offering a combination of both fields, in a unique blend of therapies. 

The basis of her work is the use of homeopathic remedies with nutritional supplementation, detoxification, allergy advice and elimination diets. She uses kinesiology as a tool to identify each client’s individual needs and create a specific homeopathic and nutritional programme.

Homeopathy and nutritional changes can be used to support all aspects of physical, mental and emotional health at any age. Charlotte has particular specialist interests in chronic illness, environmental toxicity, and working with women and children, and specialises in detoxification. 

She is passionate about supporting personal choice and sovereignty in health and wellbeing.

Charlotte herself developed a debilitating chronic illness as a teenager and found support from homeopathy, nutrition, allergy elimination and energetic support. She has explored many different fields of medicine, health and healing to offer a unique, gentle, supportive, integrative approach that can benefit anyone for which it feels resonant.

Quintessence Portal was birthed in Leeds in 2013, and Charlotte is now offering sessions online throughout the UK and Internationally.